Fermented and non-fermented spirulina water and ethanol extracts antioxidant activity in vitro and at the cellular and proteome level
Published on May 18, 202311 Views
Chapter list
Fermented Spirulina Extract Antioxidant Activity in vitro and at the Cellular and Proteome Level00:00
Spirulina (Arthrospira spp.)00:22
Spirulina (Arthrospira spp.) 100:37
Spirulina (Arthrospira spp.) 200:56
Spirulina as nutritional supplement01:09
Spirulina as nutritional supplement 101:39
Spirulina as nutritional supplement 201:53
Fermentation effect02:15
Fermentation effect 102:52
Fermentation effect 202:52
Solvent effect03:08
Solvent effect 103:35
Sample preparation and analysis03:45
Sample preparation and analysis 103:47
Sample preparation and analysis 203:49
Sample preparation and analysis 303:52
Sample preparation and analysis 403:57
Sample preparation and analysis 504:02
Sample preparation and analysis 604:07
Fermented and non-fermented broth04:08
Fermented and non-fermented broth 104:25
Fermented and non-fermented broth 204:34
Sample preparation and analysis04:51
Sample preparation and analysis 104:53
Water and ethanol extracts05:02
Water and ethanol extracts 105:25
Water and ethanol extracts 205:29
Water and ethanol extracts 305:29
Water and ethanol extracts 405:36
Sample preparation and analysis05:36
Sample preparation and analysis 105:38
Yeast – cellular level05:40
Yeast – cellular level 105:57
Yeast – cellular level 205:57
Yeast – cellular level 306:05
Yeast – proteome level 106:16
Yeast – proteome level 206:25
Yeast – proteome level 306:28
Yeast – proteome level 406:39
Yeast – proteome level 506:40
Yeast – proteome level 606:45
Yeast – proteome level 706:47
Yeast – proteome level806:48
Yeast – proteome level 906:53
Yeast – proteome level 1006:57
Yeast – proteome level 1106:57
Yeast – proteome level 1207:03
Yeast – proteome level 1307:06
Yeast – proteome level 1407:08
Yeast – proteome level 1507:13
Yeast – proteome level 1607:15
Yeast – proteome level 1707:17
Yeast – proteome level 1807:18
Yeast – proteome level 1907:18
Yeast – proteome level 2007:23
Yeast – proteome level 2107:58
Conclusions and acknowledgements 08:40
Conclusions and acknowledgements 108:44
Conclusions and acknowledgements 208:55
Conclusions and acknowledgements 309:03