Phraseology, Meaning, and the Future of Lexicography
Published on Jul 27, 2018687 Views
Lexicography is currently in the doldrums, due in part to the collapse of traditional business models for funding lexicographical research, which used to be dependent on predicted sales of printed bo
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Chapter list
Phraseology, meaning, and the future of lexicography00:00
Talk outline00:15
Philosophy and meaning04:31
Do Words have meaning?06:46
The meaning potential of a word07:44
The idiomaticity of words09:10
Prototypical patterns for blow, verb10:58
Idioms are patterns12:18
Semantic invariants? Necessary and sufficient conditions?13:05
Instead of seeking “the invariant”13:08
What’s the use of semantic invariants and N&SCs?14:22
The need for a new kind of resource14:30
Where to start? 15:43
Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA)15:46
The CPA “Ontology”16:53
Some implications of all this (1)17:41
Some implications of all this (2)18:37
A “double-helix” theory of meaning in language19:20
What are meanings?19:27
A plethora of phraseological dictionaries?21:30