Aligning Open Education with Strategic Goals
Published on Jul 13, 2018636 Views
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Chapter list
Aligning Open Education with Strategic Goals00:00
The starting point03:38
Topics of talk04:36
The context: OER as starting point for OE - 106:05
The context: OER as starting point for OE - 207:19
The context: OER as starting point for OE - 309:43
SAMR as way of describing the goal for OER11:19
The need for OER policies14:28
The 7 steps in designing an OER policy for better T & L16:40
Where do we want to go? - Determining the OER vision20:06
Problem-based approach to policy21:04
OER address 6 educational challenges for policy - makers25:07
OER address 6 educational challenges for policy - makers27:23
Survey of OECD countries on link to OER policy initiatives (2014)29:44
Where are we now? - Executing a gap analysis32:25
Results of the gap analysis33:59
How? – Planning the implementation36:59
Approach to implementation - 139:43
Approach to implementation - 241:52
Overview of comprehensive policy design process45:48