Technology and Combinatorial Evolution
Published on Apr 03, 20171864 Views
Arthur's long-term fascination has been with constructing an economics that is more realistic. Standard economics has long been based on the idea of hyper-rational actors operating in a static equilib
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Chapter list
Technology and Combinatorial Evolution00:00
The Nature of Technology02:06
Can there be a theory of evolution for technology?03:19
Evolution´s two meaning04:17
The Evolution of Technology06:28
Darwin´s Mechanism08:35
So if technology evolves, what is the mechanism?11:53
An observation - 113:51
An observation - 214:57
Where do novel technological species come from?16:22
Ogburn´s Claim16:25
Invention is a process - 118:34
Possible Principle22:05
Xerox drum25:36
The structure of invention26:22
Invention is a process - 226:40
We can say ...27:23
We can say better ...28:32
The collective of technology is a vast ancestral network28:55
Combinatorial evloution33:09
This suggests in evolutionary algorithm34:15
Could you get combinatorial evolution to work on a computer35:15
Combinatorial evloution in the lab37:31
An artificial world within the machine39:58
How the experiment works - 140:40
How the experiment works - 242:05
How the experiment works - 342:36
How the experiment works - 443:28
How the experiment works - 543:37
How the experiment works - 643:46
How the experiment works - 743:49
How the experiment works - 844:33
How the experiment works - 944:35
How the experiment works - 1044:36
But these complicated technologies require intermediate steps49:51
A Cambrian explosion?50:40
The evolution is history dependent51:12
Schumpeter´s Gales of Destruction51:44
Avalanches of destruction follow a power law51:51
Biological evolution / Technological evolution52:06
Some remarks on combinatorial evolution53:32
Darwin´s Evolutionary Algorithm53:42
Combinatorial Evolutionary Algorithm54:24
Combinatorial Evolution occurs in ...55:37
François Jacob57:15
Combinatorial Evolution58:24