Dragocenosti v biobanki - zdravljenje z matičnimi celicami
Published on May 19, 20153693 Views
Naše telo je sestavljeno iz več tisoč milijard celic, ki usklajeno omogočajo eno od največjih čudes narave - življenje. Človek pozna le majhen del teh usklajenih procesov, še manj pa jih dokončno razu
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Chapter list
Matične celice in regenerativna medicina00:00
Stem cells passing trough many diferentiation stages04:22
Cloning and stem cell work earns nobel07:39
Self-renewal and differentiation10:20
Plasticity is essential11:49
The injury response cascade15:17
Amphibians have tremendous regenerative potential17:35
Body changes with time due to normal cell turnover20:29
Mesenchymal stem cells25:36
How stem cells act?28:56
The age of regenerative medicine31:23
…and tissue engineering32:10
Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine33:31
Challenges in RM34:24
Regenerative medicine returns the quality of life38:50
ChondroArt – regenerated tissue40:49
Ex vivo cell propagation process41:54
ChondroArtTM 2D42:27
Tissue engineering method for treatment of vesicoureteral reflux43:35
Implantation of HSC for heart failure45:52
Regeneration of paradental bone46:49
Umbilical cord blood - biobanking47:35
Tissue engineered bladder57:58
Tissue engineered Trachea59:06
Gene therapy01:00:09
History of Regenerative medicine in Slovenia01:03:13