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Jacob Bakema and Croatian architectural scene: Team 10 ideas influencing the local modernist tradition

Published on Feb 4, 20251622 Views

The paper investigates the significance of Team 10 ideas, primarily those of Jacob Bakema, for the Croatian architectural scene, and locates their correspondence with the on-going local architectural

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Jacob Bakema and Croatian architectural scene: Team 10 Ideas influencing the local modernist tradition00:00
Radovan Nikšić in Rotterdam, 195600:58
Bakema & van der Broek Lijnbaan, Rotterdam, 1952-195401:21
10th CIAM Meeting, Dubrovnik, 195601:36
Urban Re-Identification01:54
Workers’ University competition project, 1955 - 102:19
Golden Lane Project, 195203:18
Nikšić and Kučan: Workers’ University, competition project, 195503:22
Postwar Yugoslavia03:25
Workers’ self-management - 103:42
Workers’ self-management - 204:21
Workers’ self-management - 304:40
Avenue of the Proletarian Brigades, Zagreb, 1950s - 105:06
Avenue of the Proletarian Brigades, Zagreb, 1950s - 205:19
Avenue of the Proletarian Brigades, Zagreb, 1950s - 305:28
Avenue of the Proletarian Brigades, Zagreb, 1950s - 405:48
Avenue of the Proletarian Brigades, Zagreb, 1950s - 506:05
Avenue of the Proletarian Brigades, Zagreb, 1950s - 606:16
Workers’ University competition project, 195506:39
Horizontal skyscraper07:17
Workers’ University competition project, 1955 - 207:25
Workers’ University competition project, 1955 - 307:39
Programmatic organization of Workers’ University, 195607:50
Workers’ University competition project, 1955 - 408:26
1955 competition scheme - 108:32
1955 competition scheme - 209:06
Building - 109:37
Positions of vertical communications 196109:57
Basic unit –classroom - 110:10
Basic unit –classroom - 210:51
Basic units form spatial sectors10:55
Central higher volume11:04
Main entrance11:09
Central foyer11:14
Large lecture hall11:18
Administration and offices11:22
Main auditorium - 111:28
Main auditorium - 211:33
Summer terrace - 111:38
Summer terrace - 211:43
Building - 211:53
Interiors Bernardo Bernardi - 112:05
Interiors Bernardo Bernard - 212:34
Interiors Bernardo Bernardi - 312:42
Interiors Bernardo Bernardi - 412:52
Interiors Bernardo Bernardi - 513:04
Multiple accesses13:11
Interiors Bernardo Bernardi - 613:22
Interiors Bernardo Bernardi - 713:43
Interiors Bernardo Bernardi - 813:58
Interiors Bernardo Bernardi - 914:14
The building has its identity14:23
Architecture as configurative discipline - 114:49
Architecture as configurative discipline - 215:01
Architecture as configurative discipline - 315:06
Workers’ University: attained its own “labyrinthine clarity” - 115:13
Workers’ University: attained its own “labyrinthine clarity” - 215:18
Nikšić presenting his Workers’ University15:43
10th CIAM Meeting, Dubrovnik, 1956 - 116:32
10th CIAM Meeting, Dubrovnik, 1956 - 217:01
Bakema’s proposal for the cultural center of Novi Zagreb, 196517:19
Lectures at the Zagreb Faculty of Architecture, 196517:44
Čovjek i prostor:“Bakema in Zagreb” - 118:08
Čovjek i prostor:“Bakema in Zagreb” - 218:34
Zagreb –historical urban layers18:53
Novi Zagreb19:03
Movement of the Zagreb Fair from old part of the city to New Zagreb19:15
The Zagreb International Trade Fair, 1953-195719:42
First American pavilion19:49
Zagreb International Trade Fair, 1960s19:58
Aerial view of Zagreb Fair, with various national pavilions, 1960s20:04
Historical Zagreb20:17
New Zagreb20:37
Novi Zagreb 1960s20:45
Novi Zagreb housing settlements - 120:59
Novi Zagreb housing settlements - 221:08
Novi Zagreb housing settlements - 321:27
community, neighborhood, micro-rayon21:45
Regulation plan21:58
Novi Zagreb housing settlements Zapruđe, 1960s - 122:04
Novi Zagreb housing settlements Zapruđe, 1960s - 222:14
Novi Zagreb housing settlements Zapruđe, 1960s - 322:18
Novi Zagreb housing settlements Zapruđe, 1960s - 422:23
Novi Zagreb housing settlements Zapruđe, 1960s - 522:30
New center extending from the Fair - 122:48
New center extending from the Fair - 222:57
New center extending from the Fair - 323:04
Core wall buildings23:12
Bakema’s design for the center of Novi Zagreb, 1965 - 124:08
Bakema’s design for the center of Novi Zagreb, 1965 - 224:48
Vriendschapsmodel Transitional Elements, sketch by Bakema, 196125:04
Alison and Peter Smithson: UR _ Urban Re-Identification, 195325:31
Alison and Peter Smithson: “Identity Grid”25:38
Zagreb Institute for Urbanism, proposal for the Novi Zagreb Center, 1962 - 125:49
Zagreb Institute for Urbanism, proposal for the Novi Zagreb Center, 1962 - 226:13
Zagreb Institute for Urbanism, proposal for the Novi Zagreb Center, 1962 - 326:24
Zagreb Institute for Urbanism, proposal for the Novi Zagreb Center, 1962 - 426:42
Zagreb Institute for Urbanism, proposal for the Novi Zagreb Center, 1962 - 527:12
Novi Zagreb settlements27:45
Sopot, 196528:02
Mat system of schools and kindergartens28:06
Siget “Housing Colony” –low-rise high-density single-storey houses28:16
Travno “core wall buildings” - 128:39
Travno “core wall buildings” - 228:51
Dugave “frameworks for re-identification” - 129:01
Dugave “frameworks for re-identification” - 229:27