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With Le Corbusier in Person - Hosting the Exhibition "Le Corbusier" in Yugoslavia in 1952 and 1953

Published on Feb 4, 20251913 Views

Touring exhibition Le Corbusier, first exhibition of a foreign architect in Yugoslavia after the Second World War, took place in five out of six capitals of Yugoslavian republics, Split, and Mostar,

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With Le Corbusier in Person – Hosting the Exhibition Le Corbusier in Yugoslavia in 1952 and 195300:00
Le Corbusier’s Exhibition in Yugoslavia 1952 -195301:09
Exhibition of Soviet Architecture, Belgrade and Zagreb, 194701:42
Exhibition of Czechoslovakian Architecture Belgrade and Zagreb, 192802:21
First Session of UIA Executive Committee02:46
International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM)03:15
First UIA Congress in Laussane03:36
Szymon and Helena Syrkus04:09
Palace of Culture in Warsaw, Jozef Sigalin04:20
1950’s UIA Congresses and Meetings04:38
Pioneers’ City in Granešina near Zagreb, Ivan Vitić and Josip Seissel05:13
Yugoslavian contemporary architecture05:37
Presentation of Yugoslavian architecture06:01
Switzerland: Planning and Building06:22
Poster and Catalogue of Le Corbusier’s Exhibition07:53
Le Corbusier’s Exhibition Catalogue08:33
Unité d’Habitation in Marseilles09:31
Zagreb Master plan, 193210:53
Zagreb Regulation Plan , 194811:18
Collaborators from Yugoslavia in LeCrobusier’s Studio from 1926 to 194011:25
Drago Galić’s Library12:25
Bauhaus in Dessau, Walter Gropius13:29
An Overview of Contemporary French Architecture13:57
Le Corbusier ▪ Knjaževac in Serbia, 1910 – drawn at the occasion of Voyage d’Orient14:13
Development of New Architecture14:33
Le Corbusier Preface for Juraj Neidhardt Book16:48
First Conference of Yugoslavian architects18:13
EXAT-51 Manifesto and Exhibiton in Zagreb and Belgrade, February–March 195320:27
Vukovarska Street in Zagreb21:27
35-35a Vukovarska Street in Zagreb – Apartament Building22:23
Institute Ruđer Bošković and residential buildings in Šibenik and Zagreb, 1950’s23:03
World Exposition in Bruxelles, 195823:52
Le Corbusier’s Exhibition in Zagreb24:50
Journals and Newspapers that published articles on exhibition25:59
Le Corbusier Stvara u Indiji26:45
Jacob Bakema and Johannes Van den Broek Office in Rotterdam and Radovan Nikšić27:27
Workers’ University in Zagreb, 1956-6128:16
Le Corbusier Atinska povelja28:22
Arhitektura kao instrument28:46
Čovjek i prostor28:50