A new paradigm of knowledge? How the Web transforms our comprehension of knowledge and the way of academic research
Published on Mar 24, 20129039 Views
Digitalization and virtual network technologies change not only the way we communicate, get informed and entertain ourselves - they also have modified the conditions under which this is done as well
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Chapter list
A new paradigm of knowledge? How the Web transforms our comprehension of knowledge and the way of academic research00:00
Thesis: Knowledge in Transition00:56
Reason 1: Model of Coevolution02:22
Digital Knowledge Society04:50
Reason 2: Structural changes in the social diffusion of knowledge (success of the amateur culture)06:38
The example Wikipedia - 108:12
The example Wikipedia - 210:18
Reason 3: Fundamental changes within the Sciences11:04
Cyberscience (Nentwich 1999/200313:52
Grid and research infrastructures16:00
The fourth paradigm (Hey et. al 2009)17:04
Data-‐intensive Science...17:52
... as a challenge19:20
Semantic Web20:16
Semantic Web: SLUBsemantics (http://www.slub-‐dresden.de/)21:47
Citizen Science23:36
Citizen Science: Galaxy Zoo (http://www.galaxyzoo.org/)23:56
Citizen Science: Fold it (http://fold.it/portal/)24:48
Virtual Research Environments (VRE)26:54
Virtual Research Environments: E-Science Interfaces - 129:02
Virtual Research Environments: E-Science Interfaces - 229:48
Virtual Research Environments: eScience – Network Saxony (http://www.escience-‐sachsen.de)30:39