The Philosophical Baby - What Children´s Minds Tell Us About Truth, Love, and the Meaning of Life
Published on Sep 17, 20122837 Views
How do young children learn so much about the world so quickly and accurately? Many researchers have proposed that children implicitly formulate structured hypotheses about the world and then use evid
Chapter list
The Philosophical Baby00:00
The Problem of Knowledge00:20
Evolution: The Uses of Immaturity02:33
Fossil Dental Evidence For Immaturity In Homo Sapiens vs Neanderthal06:41
Human Brain Development of Connections (Synapses)07:29
Bayesian Babies10:11
The Blicket Detector13:31
Kushnir & Gopnik, 200714:14
Probabilistic Strength = Causal Strength?14:27
Le Gare: Play as Experiment18:24
Schulz, Gopnik, and Glymour 200722:17
Picture 122:41
The Causal Possibilities23:00
Picture 223:40
Picture 323:45
Picture 423:57
Interventions on each causal structure will produce different patterns of evidence.24:26
Conditional interventions . . .24:45
Predicting the structure from patterns of evidence25:01
Movie 125:22
Movie 226:39
Inferring Abstract Laws: Lucas, Gopnik & Griffiths28:26
Which objects are blickets?29:34
What if you also saw these events?30:26
“Or“ Training - “And” Training - Test31:36
Gopnik & Wellman Psychological Bulletin, Gopnik, Science33:57
The Algorithm Problem36:50
General Method of Sampling Expts (1)39:09
General Method of Sampling Expts (2)40:02
General Method of Sampling Expts (3)40:22
General Method of Sampling Expts (4)40:35
Expt. 1: 3 Conditions41:09
Expt. 1: Results41:29
Expt. 2A: Method43:20
Expt. 2A: Results44:20
Developmental Differences in Sampling45:59
Collaborators and Support50:49