Addiction, comorbidity and new psychoactive substances
Published on Feb 4, 20251746 Views
Patients with substance use and related addictive disorders have higher prevalence of co-morbid mental health disorders compared to general population; and vice versa, the prevalence of substance use
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Addiction, comorbidity and new psychoactive substances (nps)00:00
Lifetime prevalence48:14:24
Demographic, clinical and historical correlates of substance abuse61:19:04
Common factor models73:15:42
Slovenian study77:56:22
Number of patients with comorbidity (N=228)90:15:02
Number of patients by suicide attempt or suicide in family (N=222)90:20:22
Number of patients by substance use in family (N=223)93:51:42
Number of patients by criminal proceedings (N=227)95:33:42
Number of patients by senteced to prison (N=223)97:09:02
Number of patients by victimisation (N=227)98:33:42
Number of patients by history of overdose (N=228)101:49:02
Number of patients by history of suicide attempt (N=227)105:39:42
Number of patients by number of suicide attempts (N=62)106:58:22
Number of patients by time of suicide attempt (N=59)110:09:42
Study results112:02:22
Number of patients by history of overdose (p=0,013)115:48:22
Treatment of patients with comorbidity - 1117:47:02
Treatment of patients with comorbidity - 2134:35:42
Comorbidity - treatment approaches143:55:00
Number of patients addmited to czopd in 2013156:05:01
Comorbid psychiatric disorders161:27:01
New psychoactive substances (nps) - terminology172:21:01
Nps definition187:03:41
Number of psychoactive substances207:27:01
Internet availability210:31:41
Number of internet nps215:38:21
Advantages of nps222:05:01
Nps - categories249:57:41
Categories (Madras,2012)253:51:41
Specific groups of users267:02:21
Nps and comorbidity306:27:01
Number of deaths318:47:01
Synthetic cannabinoides328:15:41
Synthetic cannabinoides – pharmacology345:43:01
Cannabis and psychosis365:07:41
Variations in a gene371:25:41
Synthetic cannabinoides – psychiatric side effects375:26:21
Letters to the editor390:27:41
Peripheral effects397:41:01
Summary of features of acute SC toxicity402:22:21
Stimulans neurobiology405:43:01
Synthetic stimulans415:41:01
Synthetic cathinones421:03:41
Chemical structures of cathinone431:51:01
Synthetic cathinones - effects432:43:41
Synthetic cathinones adverse effects442:54:21
Some common unwanted effects of mephedrone449:39:01
Features of acute mephedrone toxicity452:08:21
Synthetic cathinones’ psychiatric adverse effects - 1456:49:41
Electroconvulsive therapy468:23:01
Withdrawal symptoms - stimulants478:59:01
Nps in Slovenia487:12:21
A case report: bath salt induced psychosis - 1505:54:21
A case report: bath salt induced psychosis - 2521:08:21
Thank you for attention552:19:41