ROER4D – Open Education for a Multicultural World: A report from the Research on Open Educational Resources for Development in the Global South
Published on Jun 23, 20142019 Views
Open Educational Resources (OER) challenge the current storylines that steer higher education and publishers’ business models by providing students with access to alternative learning resources other
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Chapter list
Open Education for a Multicultural World00:00
Key challenges facing education in the Global South00:28
OER for developing countries / emerging economies / low income countries / Global South01:34
Research on Open Educational Resources (OER) for Development in the Global South02:47
ROER4D following in the footsteps of OER Asia03:22
Project Proposal04:25
Overview of the ROER4D projects 7 Project Clusters08:34
Sub-Project 1: OER Desktop Review09:13
Sub-Project 2: OER Survey11:14
Sub-Project 2: OER Survey – progress – still contracting12:57
Sub-Projects 3 & 4: Academics’ adoption of OER13:56
Sub-Project 3: Academics’ adoption of OER14:46
Sub-Projects 5, 6 & 7: Teacher educators’ adoption of OER15:17
Sub-Project 6: Collaborative co-creation of OER by teachers & teachers educators in south western Colombia16:07
Sub-Project 8: OER adoption in one country17:28
Sub-Projects 9 & 10: OER Impact Studies18:35
Call for proposals: Impact studies 20:27
Sub-Projects 11 & 12: Educational Expenditure22:08
Network Hub22:56
ROER4D Objectives - 123:12
Open Research – ROER4D intentions to share23:45
ROER4D Objectives - 227:08
Research capacitation through question harmonisation27:31
Consulted 9 major OER surveys to help develop our own questions28:40
Consulted other OER studies and compared numerous proposed questions29:19
Discussed question options, chose the best & recorded the rationale for our decision29:47
Shared Qs with researchers, also showing how they would appear in survey form30:17
Connect with researchers online to discuss and finalise Q harmonisation30:25
Continue discussion off-line via Discussion Forum and/or email30:42
OER Research Hub31:30
ROER4D Objectives - 431:53
ROER4D Website32:15
ROER4D Network Team 32:36
Thank You32:49