Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho: An Opportunity for Scientific Cooperation in Brazil
Published on Jul 07, 20142336 Views
The Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho is dedicated to teaching, research, extension and technological development in the field of Biological and Medical Sciences activities. Since its incept
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Chapter list
IBCCF - Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho00:00
Research / Teaching / Extension00:33
Where we are - 101:26
Where we are - 201:32
Where we are - 301:36
UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro01:58
UFRJ - 102:02
UFRJ - 202:40
The Institute03:32
1945 - Officialy set on 17th December03:40
1954 - Building of College of Medicine04:17
The institute initially specialized in applying physics methods to biological research04:42
Carlos Chagas Filho - Founder of Institute of Biophysics05:14
Carlos Chagas Filho06:16
1960 - 1st Graduate program is created - Biophysics07:12
1990 - 2nd Graduate course is created - Physiology07:45
2000 - 42 laboratories and 7 researches programms08:17
How we are now08:31
International Scientific Cooperation09:54
Undergraduate - 110:45
Undergraduate - 210:57
Biological Sciences Biophysics11:12
Collaborations with 16 more undergraduate courses at UFRJ - 111:25
Collaborations with 16 more undergraduate courses at UFRJ - 211:33
CEDERJ - E-learning11:41
Biological Sciences - Biophysics12:39
Biological Sciences - Physiology13:04
Professional Master - Scientific training of Biology Teachers13:56
Professional Master - Training in Biomedical Research14:58
Advanced Schools15:27
Summer and winter courses16:19
Museum Carlos Chagas Filho16:33
Science history and museology16:48
Nonformal Learning16:58
Science Communication17:13
Projects and courses to the society17:25
Research - 7 innovative research programs17:35
Physiology and Cellular Biophysics - 118:05
Physiology and Cellular Biophysics - 218:49
Environmental Biophysics - 119:18
Environmental Biophysics - 220:04
Cellular Biology and Parasitology20:12
Immunobiology - 121:17
Immunobiology - 222:09
Neurobiology - 122:28
Neurobiology - 224:11
Structural and Molecular Biology - 124:27
Structural and Molecular Biology - 225:39
Cellular Therapy and Bioengineering - 125:54
Cellular Therapy and Bioengineering - 227:08
Multiuser Platforms27:18
Genomic, Proteomic and Structural Biology27:50
CEMBIO - Mass Spectrometer Center28:11
PIA - Platform for Immunoassay Analysis28:47
CENABIO - National Center for Bioimaging29:07
Thank you29:51