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Absorption-Based Query Answering for Expressive Description Logics

Published on Dec 10, 2019166 Views

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Absorption-Based Query Answering for Expressive Description Logics00:00
Descrtiption Logics00:10
Descrtiption Logics01:19
Descrtiption Logics02:09
Tableau Algorithm02:33
Tableau Algorithm03:05
Tableau Algorithm03:17
Tableau Algorithm03:30
Tableau Algorithm03:39
Tableau Algorithm03:45
Tableau Algorithm03:50
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?04:19
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?04:39
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?04:43
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?04:45
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?04:52
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?04:53
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?04:57
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?05:06
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?05:16
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?05:24
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?05:42
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?05:56
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?06:20
Towards Practical Entailment Checking?06:22
Absorption-Based Query Entailment Checking07:17
Absorption-Based Query Entailment Checking07:51
Absorption-Based Query Entailment Checking08:05
Absorption-Based Query Entailment Checking08:30
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions08:52
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions09:08
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions09:12
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions09:32
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions09:52
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions09:57
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions10:14
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions10:25
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions10:28
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions10:37
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions10:37
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions10:51
Query Absorption and Tableau Adaptions11:13
Blocking Considerations11:25
Blocking Considerations12:07
Blocking Considerations12:24
Blocking Considerations12:42
Blocking Considerations13:02
Optimised Reduction13:17
Optimised Reduction14:28
Implementation and Experiments14:45
Implementation and Experiments14:55
Implementation and Experiments15:12
ORE2015 Query Answering Evaluation16:04