Strategies for Executing Federated Queries in SPARQL1.1
Published on Feb 4, 20251704 Views
A common way for exposing RDF data on the Web is by means of SPARQL endpoints which allow end users and applications to query just the RDF data they want. However, servers hosting SPARQL endpoints oft
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Strategies for executing federated queries in SPARQL1.100:00
Scheme - 100:16
Scheme - 200:45
I want a list of mouse phenotypes and their symbols01:04
Now I want to combine the symbols with standard scientific terminology01:17
SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query Extension01:39
Some problems related to query federation02:23
We will try to find algorithms for dealing with these problems in SPARQL query federation02:58
How the federation is implemented? (general idea) - 103:11
How the federation is implemented? (general idea) - 204:05
SPARQL Query Federation Algorithms04:42
How federated queries are executed (general case) - 105:42
How federated queries are executed (general case) - 206:12
SERVICE implementation using a Symmetric Hash Join06:23
Strategies Evaluation - Example08:00
Strategies Evaluation - Example (using FILTER & UNION)08:44
VALUES example (using OPTIONAL)09:32
There are (at least) two problems we may find10:33
Consider now this query with real data11:01
Strategies Evaluation - Bio2RDF Example11:16
Why all these inconsistent results happen?11:44
One possible fix: Strongly Bound syntactic restriction [1,2]12:29
(Fixed) Strategies evaluation with real data: which one is best? (data installed in a local network)13:05
Evaluation Query Set13:13
(Time) Results on JenaFuseki (in milliseconds)13:23
Results on Sesame13:40
Results on Virtuoso13:49
Thank you!14:41