Functional Composition of Sensor Web APIs
Published on Dec 03, 20122593 Views
Web apis are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to the more heavy-weight Web services. Recently, they also have been used in the context of sensor networks. However, making different Web ap
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Chapter list
Functional Composition of Sensor Web APIs00:00
What SMART makes ?00:15
What SMART makes ?00:47
Smart collaborations run themselves.01:14
My research is about intelligent Web APIs.02:06
Functional composition of sensor Web APIs02:56
Capturing functionality03:04
Why describe functionality?03:35
Only functionality tells the whole story.04:08
How to capture the functionality of these sensors?04:21
We model sensors as Web APIs.04:45
We capture the functionality of Web APIs with RESTdesc.05:40
RESTdesc can describe a temperature sensor. (1)06:22
RESTdesc can describe a temperature sensor. (2)06:41
RESTdesc can describe a temperature sensor. (3)06:56
RESTdesc can describe a temperature sensor. (4)07:16
RESTdesc provides simple functional descriptions.07:36
Creating compositions08:13
Why compose Web APIs?08:24
What APIs do we have at our disposition?09:29
What would a candidate solution look like? 09:56
RESTdesc descriptions enable automated composition.10:43
Does this composition satisfy the goal?11:15
If success is entailment, the proof is the composition.11:41
A semantic Web reasoner can create the composition.12:25
RESTdesc composing behaves as a good Semantic Web citizen.13:42
Evaluating feasibility14:57
Does it scale?15:04
Reasoner-based methods are often thought of as slow.15:08
We tested composition chains for performance.16:14
RESTdesc composition is so fast that it works on Web scale.16:40
E!cient implementations on Arduino boards.17:35
RESTdesc is an automated solution for sensor Web API composition.18:18
RESTdesc automatically composes sensor Web APIs.18:36