On the Diversity and Availability of Temporal Information in Linked Open Data
Published on Dec 03, 20123035 Views
An increasing amount of data is published and consumed on the Web according to the Linked Data paradigm. In consideration of both publishers and consumers, the temporal dimension of data is important.
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Chapter list
On the Diversity and Availability of Temporal Information in Linked Open Data00:00
Outline: Motivation & Research Question01:05
Temporal metadata on the Web01:07
Web of Data is dynamic How much up-to-date are linked open data? - 102:06
Web of Data is dynamic How much up-to-date are linked open data? - 203:13
Temporal information, applications and research areas04:01
Research questions04:48
Outline: Temporal Information in the LOD cloud05:29
Large-scale experimental analysis05:42
Distribution of temporal information06:18
Temporal Information vs Temporal meta-information (Abstract Definition)09:00
Outline: Temporal Meta-information Analysis11:20
Models for representing TMI11:22
Document-centric perspective - 112:40
Document-centric perspective - 213:24
Sentence-centric perspective - 114:18
Sentence-centric perspective - 215:13
Relationship-centric perspective - 116:16
Relationship-centric perspective - 217:13
Availability of TMI17:57
Outline: Conclusion20:40
Guidelines - 120:42
Guidelines - 221:51
Future works23:19
Thank you for your attention24:40