Science for and in information societies
Published on Feb 4, 20252394 Views
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Science for and in information societies00:00
We are living in a changing world01:07
The same in numbers: Forecasted trends (by 2050) (and sustainability?)01:57
And a list of associated problems of mankind for the next 50 years02:32
S&T has become central to every major issue of modern life03:02
Growing significance of knowledge03:47
Information and energy06:10
Progress in ICT07:19
Challenges of computing technologies08:07
Dramatic changes in science driven ICT08:52
Some general, informatics related (e)-infrastructures09:54
Some of the benefits of e-infrastructures09:58
Open access10:24
Open access as part of the digital revolution12:05
E-science is much more than open access12:30
Pillars of european science policy12:48
The european research area (ERA)14:20
Basic instruments15:09
E-infrastructures (being of basic significance for ERA)17:55
European research council18:24
ERC grants19:09
Strategic aims of ERC19:11
Success scales with country’s R&D investment (grants to nationals)19:45
Scope of the Common Strategic Framework20:27
The significance of education21:54
The problems we are facing today can not be solved with the same way of thinking by which we created them22:33
Thank you!24:14