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Synthetic biology challenges for the creation and modification of biological systems

Published on May 03, 20113584 Views

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Chapter list

Synthetic biology00:00
Interaction between life sciences and informatics00:31
Synthetic biology01:23
Genetic modification of organisms01:58
DNA as the carrier of information02:57
DNA codes for the sequence of polypeptides basedon the universal triplet code03:20
DNA also stores the information to control the proces flow03:48
From DNA to modified organisms04:53
What’s new ?05:36
Engineering approach06:55
Synthetic biology as an investigative tool09:01
Synthetic biology to design10:06
Transcending the nature11:06
Different approaches of synthetic biology11:39
The assembly of a synthetic M. mycoides genome in yeast D G12:34
Areas of application of synthetic biology13:19
Renewable sources of energy13:39
Microbial production of raw materials14:26
Information processing15:10
Media for information processing in biological systems15:35
Information processing in cells16:27
Discrete logical functions17:20
NOR operator17:58
Construction of a memory cell from two NOR gates18:30
Theory and experiment19:11
Bacterial photolitography19:37
Bacterial edge detector - 120:03
Bacterial edge detector - 220:52
Bacterial edge detector - 321:06
Synchronous bacterial clock21:21
Synthetic gene network that counts22:00
Experimentally achievable complexity of artificial oscillators and logic circuits22:27
Participation of world’s best universities at iGEM competition24:03
Registry of BioBricks 24:16
Examples of iGEM projects25:03
Negative feedback loop to supress inflammation25:12
Modification of the signaling network25:45
TLR signaling pathway26:08
MyD88 as the central adapter26:31
Simplified model of TLR signaling27:03
Normal cellular response to repeated stimulus27:33
Insertion of a negative feedback loop27:44
Response to repeated stimulus in cells with inserted feedback device28:15
Finalist of iGEM200628:56
Antiviral defense based on viral functions29:15
Therapeutic targets of HIV life cycle29:23
FUNCTION-based viral detection29:57
Split TEV protease-based viral detector30:47
HIV causes release of the GFP reporter from the membrane32:05
Integration of two steps: Split TEV-T7-based cell activation32:42
DNA as the carrier of information33:19
Complex biosynthetic pathways34:36
Biosynthetic pathway based on DNA program34:58
DNA binding domains35:10
Selection of DNA binding domains35:24
Characterization of ZNFs36:10
Experimental testing of seven artificial repressors36:20
Assembly of multiple DNA binding domains36:26
Application of artificial ZNF repressors: Biological oscillators37:04
Extended ZNF-based Repressilator 37:20
Capabilities of synthetic biology38:40
Perspectives and limitations39:07
Slovenian teams 2006-201039:58
“See things not as they are, but as they might be”40:22