Lexicographic Traditions: A personal view
Published on Feb 4, 202518 Views
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Euralex 40th anniversary lecture series00:00
Lexicographic Traditions: A personal view00:11
Introductory remarks02:16
Janet’s interest in dictionaries - 104:09
Janet’s interest in dictionaries - 204:38
Academic interest06:37
Applied linguistics at UPF09:25
Generally negative view13:30
Pullum (2009)14:56
Lexicographic traditions: dictionaries of American English16:20
Samuel Johnson’s 1798 dictionary18:22
Noah Webster19:10
Century Dictionary 1888 26:27
Funk and Wagnalls’ Standard Dictionary of the English Language 1893-189531:09
Webster’s New International Dictionary Preface, 1909 - 131:23
Webster’s New International Dictionary Preface, 1909 - 232:08
Webster’s Dictionary 186433:13
Century Dictionary (1889)33:58
Merriam-Webster online34:39
Some Characteristics that would become part of this tradition35:10
Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language (1953) - 140:26
Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language (1953) - 241:48
Random House Unabridged Dictionary (1983) - 143:19
Random House Unabridged Dictionary (1983) - 243:42
Dictionaries of Spanish - 144:40
Dictionaries of Spanish - 244:41
Comparison with American English dictionaries46:50
María Moliner’s Diccionario de uso del español47:38
Recent addition: Mapa de diccionarios - 148:22
Recent addition: Mapa de diccionarios - 249:26
Why is this interesting?49:52
A displaced person is a refugee50:20
A migrant is a refugee50:39
Are displaced persons and migrants refugees?51:03
They are not refugees according to U.S. immigration law51:16
Won’t text comparison and AI do this for us?51:20
American Heritage Dictionary53:29
Cambridge Dictionary53:55
A note of gratitude54:05
Thank you55:08