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Crowd truth

Published on Oct 22, 20151549 Views

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Chapter list

The Strange World of the Future00:00
We are now no longer the knights who say …00:12
Brief Personal History00:22
Recurring Personal Theme03:22
Explicit Semantics in Watson04:04
The world has changed07:35
Welty’s Trident07:52
A new software paradigm emerging09:10
Introducing…. The Cognitive Systems Engineer (CSE)11:19
CogComp: Its OK to be wrong!13:10
The 9 pillars of cognitive systems engineering - 117:41
Measure, measure, measure18:50
Data, data, data22:05
Truth, truth, truth25:32
The 9 pillars of cognitive systems engineering - 233:05
Cognitive Computing Distilled33:25
Cognitive Digital Assistants34:13
Adaptive Digital Assistants - 135:39
Adaptive Digital Assistants - 235:41
Adaptive Digital Assistants - 336:26
Machines behaving badly - 136:56
Machines behaving badly - 238:19
Machines behaving badly - 338:34
Cognitive Computing Distilled, v241:59
All the information machines have is all the information there is42:30
There is always other kinds of information …42:59
Observations in psychology ...43:17
“Irrational human behavior”: order matters - 143:28
“Irrational human behavior”: order matters - 246:50
Foreign environment - policy47:42
People can’t believe contradictions47:44
There is always other kinds of information …48:12
Cognitive Computing Distilled, v348:37
Back in the day… - 149:22
Back in the day… - 249:32
Single slit - double slit (expected)49:46
We need new math52:42
Quantum math makes sense of duality52:51
Uncertainty, entanglement, duality53:10
Quantum math makes sense of irrational human behavior53:12
P(E) + P(not E) = 153:55
Foreign policy54:01
Medical Crowd Truth57:13
Quantum Theory: Context effect .2557:46
The effect of mood - 157:59
The effect of mood - 258:02