Emerging trends in technology applied to Academia and education in general
Published on Nov 22, 20123830 Views
New technologies offer universities and academic communities new solutions to old familiar problems. Higher education is trying to catch up with the changes of the digital age and the Internet, and we
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Chapter list
Emerging Trends in Technology Applied to Academia and Education00:00
Drivers and trends02:00
Technology trends06:24
Technology is there - 109:16
Technology is there - 210:35
Increasing market - 111:24
Increasing market - 213:17
Increasing market - 314:18
Peers (Chronicle)15:01
University hotspots16:18
Big players understand the market potential - 116:44
Big players understand the market potential - 217:20
Big players understand the market potential - 317:37
Big players understand the market potential - 418:02
What is out there? - 118:25
What is out there? - 218:39
How do I find the right information? - 118:56
How do I find the right information? - 219:45
Returning back to teaching - "blended approach"20:15
We are ignoring...21:26
The future of learning is...25:01
The future of Academia is...25:18
"Status Quo"25:42
Implications for Academia - 126:36
Implications for Academia - 228:48
K4A foundation29:22
Thank you31:20