Open Credentials for Open Education-->Moving the Needle Forward
Published on Jul 13, 2018769 Views
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Open Credentials for Open Education Moving the Needle Forward00:00
What does this photo make you think of?00:26
CLOSED - 101:01
Education is a Public Good01:25
A typical process model for Open Education01:57
CLOSED - 202:32
(Digital) Credentials are Broken03:12
Shards of the Problem03:22
Limited Access to Underlying Information04:05
The average employer will not research your credentials - 104:43
The average employer will not research your credentials - 205:28
Paper credentials are hard to use and share06:03
Lack of Technical Standards leads to exclusion07:18
Closed Standards for Security and Verification08:34
No Aggregation of Credential Data10:39
Closed Credentials11:58
The Road to Open12:51
We have all the pieces for an open credential system13:20
EU Standards for Qualifications13:54
Technical Standards: Open Badges16:01
Too open to be useful?16:51
National ID Systems18:18
With Blockchain you don’t need an intermediary to sign a document at all19:32
A Global Platform for Skills already exists…20:50
Elements of a System for Open Educational Credentials21:39
Shameless selfpromotion23:10
Two Ongoing Initiatives - 123:31
Two Ongoing Initiatives - 224:35
Imagine a Future where recognition is universal automatic seamless25:26
Tips for Practitioners26:00
A typical process model for Open Education - 127:55
A typical process model for Open Education - 228:08
Thank you for your attention28:20