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The Cognitive Dissonance of Living in a world of "Big Data"

Published on Dec 23, 20114180 Views

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The Cognitive Dissonance of Living in a World of “Big Data”00:00
What is “cognitive dissonance”00:43
Why dissonance?01:12
When people suffer from „cognitive dissonance‟02:44
The latest cause is “Big Data” – Large Datasets, Real Time, Diversity of Data Types03:51
We are seeing the benefits of how large datasets are revolutionizing whole fields and industry sectors04:59
But we are also seeing (and can foresee) the possibilities of abuse05:24
Buddhist proverb05:49
On the Internet, nobody knows you´re a dog06:11
Facebook Wants to End Anonymity on Internet06:32
Does anonymity even exist in a world of Big Data?06:54
Turns out the dataset is very sparse09:04
Even knowing only the movies rated, without the dates when the ratings were made . . .09:41
Netflix – IMDb mashup10:10
Mashups have been around for a long time10:51
But growth of Web 2.0 offers unprecedented amount of re-identification mash-up opportunities11:51
And the virtual (and physical) world is only becoming more connected, not less12:09 – Open platform/exchange for businesses to analyze and share data openly12:22
AudienceScience – Behavioral targeting using media consumption to ID segments12:46
Blue Kai – Shopping activities matched with same user‟s media consumption13:05
Epsilon/Abacus – Matches people‟s online identities with catalog/direct-marketing data13:21
TargusInfo – Matches offline data about users with their online presence13:38
Clearsight Interactive - Demographic data matched to 200 milliion-plus IP addresses13:43
bluecava – Demographic data matched to 125+ million unique device IDs14:17
Sense Networks – Indexes people‟s real world habits via mobile and location-based sensors14:39
Today . . .14:57
This is where all the data comes from15:17
Cost of business is so low that anyone can do it15:24
But is there any harm?15:56
Professor Paul Ohm speaks of a “Database of Ruin”16:49
Ohm´s answer is to regulate based on what some are calling a “Privacy Precautionary Principle”*17:40
EU data laws revisited after a decade-plus18:48
Seven basic requirements to uphold19:40
But the Web is no longer just about chat rooms, MUDs, etc.20:26
Mashup of online and offline21:37
Immersive Labs – Digital signage that uses facial recognition23:22
SceneTap – Facial recognition technology offered as an app, helping bar hoppers find where to go23:44
Butterfly effect: dissonance caused when both law and citizens are fluttering at the same time24:21
Sometimes a “Rule of Law” can have tragic results25:11
Unforgiving and unrelentless pace of proliferation - 126:06
Unforgiving and unrelentless pace of proliferation - 226:34
Here´s what the “dog poop girl” wrote - 127:56
Here´s what the “dog poop girl” wrote - 228:12
There is no “delete” button28:45
Courts have ruled that to have an expectation of privacy on social media sites is “wishful thinking” - 128:59
Courts have ruled that to have an expectation of privacy on social media sites is “wishful thinking” - 231:40
Courts have ruled that to have an expectation of privacy on social media sites is “wishful thinking” - 333:11
Quinnipiac University Professor Alex Halavais studied the tweets sent during the G20 riots33:56
Courts have ruled that to have an expectation of privacy on social media sites is “wishful thinking” - 435:21
Should there be a “Right to Be Forgotten”?37:25
91% of HR Departments using Social Media to evaluate job candidates38:47
College admissions39:07
Zhao Jing or “Michael Anti”?39:32
"Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.“41:07
What role can or should social media sites play in democratic uprisings, human rights activism, dissent?41:24
Big brother45:05
The comings and goings of German Green party politician, Malte Spitz a la Deutsche Telkom47:18
Hasan Elahi: Professor and performance artist, once tracked by the FBI for 6 months in 200248:51
MIT Researcher Deb Roy records 120,000 hours of video footage of his infant son50:54
Gordon Bell of Microsoft Research innovates around “lifelogging”52:33
Jurisprudence around privacy developed because of this invention53:36
Frequency of the words “secrecy” versus “privacy” in books from 1890-200054:19
“Privacy” concerns spike when there is discomfort with what technology makes possible54:40
Are we merely talking about another kind of “photograph” – that of our “digital shadow”?55:04
Fact: It´s not possible to get “off the grid”55:54
Are we suffering from “cognitive dissonance” or is this a step in adapting toward higher intelligence?56:01
Thank You56:34