Lifespan Change and Style Shift in the Icelandic Gigaword Corpus
Published on Feb 07, 202081 Views
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Lifespan Change and Style Shift in the Icelandic Gigaword Corpus00:00
Icelandic SF: Optional movement into a PF subject gap01:38
Social meaning and linguistic performance02:30
How does social meaning shape linguistic performance?02:36
The Linguistic Marketplace (Sankoff & Laberge 1978)03:49
Stylistic fronting04:24
What is Stylistic Fronting (SF)?04:30
Envelope of variation05:09
Lifespan change and other types of linguistic change06:00
Syntactic change06:07
Syntactic change: S-curves across contexts (Kroch 1989)07:02
Lifespan change (whether syntax or phonology)07:17
Sankoff & Wagner (2006): periphrastic futures in M. French - 107:58
Sankoff & Wagner (2006): periphrastic futures in M. French - 208:21
Steingrímur J. Sigfússon’s parliament speeches 1990-201308:40
A mixed method08:48
1990-2013: Sigfússon’s overall rate of SF use09:32
1990-2006: Linguistic retrenchment (cf. Chambers)10:09
On gaining confidence over the years10:41
2006-2007: Sigfússon becomes the “minority leader”10:52
Events leading up the economic collapse in 200811:41
Linguistic Market Value as minority leader12:05
2008: Economic collapse and demonstrations12:37
2008-2012: Maximum Linguistic Market Value13:16
On great responsibilities13:56
2008-12: Linguistic Market Value as minister of finance14:17
2013: Sigfússon steps down14:45
2013: Tending to the sheep15:13
Sigfússon steps down after the 2013 election15:35
Style shift15:55
Conclusion - 116:01
Conclusion - 216:05