Bio-integrated micro-laser particles for sensing, imaging and cell barcoding  thumbnail
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Bio-integrated micro-laser particles for sensing, imaging and cell barcoding

Published on Jul 09, 2018628 Views

Micro-sized lasers completely embedded within single live cells (1) and biological tissues (2) have been demonstrated. The lasers were made out of solid beads including biocompatible and biodegradable

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Chapter list

Bio-integrated micro-laser particles for sensing, imaging and cell barcoding00:00
Laser inside biological tissues – paradigm shift - 100:12
Laser inside biological tissues – paradigm shift - 200:24
Fluorescent probes vs lasers - 100:32
Fluorescent probes vs lasers - 200:42
Fluorescent probes vs lasers - 300:45
Lasers made completely out of biological materials01:09
Bio-integrated photonics01:53
Why bio-integrated photonics02:55
Previous research on cell lasers and bio-lasers03:49
WGM cavities in cells04:50
Solid beads – uptake by cells05:30
Solid beads - lasing05:57
Cell tagging - 106:32
Hyperspectral imaging07:21
Cell tagging - 207:36
Cell tagging in microfluidics09:10
Intracellular sensing09:48
Injected high index oil10:55
Injected high index oil - lasing11:20
Adipocytes – fat tissue cells lasing12:25
Lasing from subcutaneous fat tissue13:03
Rewriting science fiction13:34
Media impact13:53
Biodegradable lasers14:08
Operation of lasers in eye and blood14:53
Laser tattoos15:19
Cholesteric liquid crystal droplet laser16:31
Cholesterol laser17:15
Lasers made completely out of biological materials17:54
GFP WGM “lasers”18:13
GFP in adopocytes19:08
GFP in cell + artificial droplet20:13
Lasers made completely out of biological materials20:34
Bioluminescence pumped WGMs below threshold21:05
Laser particle stimulated emission (LASE) microscopy21:59
Experimantal validation24:14
Laser particle stimulated emission (LASE) microscopy24:44
Thank you!26:27