Mental State Decoding and Applications of Neurotechnology
Published on Dec 03, 20122681 Views
This talk will present several novel applications of neurotechnology that exploit techniques developed in BCI research. Differently from BCI research, the aim here is not to read out the intent of the
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Chapter list
Mental State Decoding and Applications of Neurotechnology00:00
Overview of Neurotechnology and Potential Applications (1)00:14
Overview of Neurotechnology and Potential Applications (2)00:45
Overview of Neurotechnology and Potential Applications (3)01:07
Part I: BCI based on Endogenous Signals01:58
SMR-based BCI Systems02:05
Prominent Challenge in SMR-based BCIs: Deciency (1)02:54
Prominent Challenge in SMR-based BCIs: Deciency (2)04:21
The Machine Learning Approach: Calibration and Feedback (1)04:40
The Machine Learning Approach: Calibration and Feedback (2)05:24
One Cure for BCI Deciency07:23
State of the Art in SMR-BCI: Common Spatial Patterns (CSP)08:40
CSP Patches (CSPP)10:17
CSPP Study Design and Methods (1)11:25
CSPP Study Design and Methods (2)12:04
CSPP BCI Session: Results for 17 Participants14:24
Part II: BCI based on Exogenous Signals16:08
BCI based on ERPs: The Matrix Speller (1)16:14
BCI based on ERPs: The Matrix Speller (2)16:34
BCI based on ERPs: The Matrix Speller (3)16:41
Oine Study on Eye Gaze: Experimental Design17:34
Oine Study on Eye Gaze: Results18:18
Gaze Independent ERP-Speller (1)19:37
Gaze Independent ERP-Speller (2)19:38
Gaze Independent ERP-Speller (3)19:39
Center Speller: Results - ERPs20:23
Center Speller: Results - Classication20:39
Improvement of Stimuli for the Center Speller21:24
The New Look of the Center Speller22:39
Chroma Speller An Isotropic Speller (1)22:51
Chroma Speller An Isotropic Speller (2)23:39
Alternative: The RSVP Speller23:47
Novel Auditory Approach for BCI Spelling24:54
Hierarchy of Spelling Applications25:39
Part III: Applications of Neurotechnology26:32
EEG-Indices for (Sub)Consciously Perceived Noise26:51
EEG-Indices for (Sub)Consciously Perceived Noise (2)28:39
EEG-Indices for (Sub)Consciously Perceived Noise (2a)29:14
EEG-Indices for (Sub)Consciously Perceived Noise (3)30:03
Neural Correlates of Music Perception (1)31:26
Neural Correlates of Music Perception (2)32:54
Neural Correlates of Music Perception (3)34:26
Thanks to My Colleges36:18
References (1)36:50
References (2)36:52