Use and Evaluation of Wordnets as Lexicographical Resources
Published on Jul 24, 2018732 Views
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Chapter list
Introductory Speech: Use and Evaluation of Wordnets as Lexicographical Resources00:00
Introductory Speech: Overview00:16
Why WordNet? - 101:24
If you have a wordnet, use it!02:53
Why WordNet? - 204:23
Lemma-oriented LR vs. Concept-oriented LR05:31
Concept-oriented LR05:48
Why WordNet? - 306:16
Wordnets in Lexicography: Some drawbacks & pitfalls07:26
WordNet as lexicographical resource: Language related issues09:17
Use of wordnet data in lexicography: WN Glosses10:08
WN lexical-semantic relations and Lexicography - 110:45
WN lexical-semantic relations and Lexicography - 211:57
WN lexical-semantic relations and Lexicography - 312:42
Translation equivalence: Cross-language linking of items14:59
Translation equivalents extracted from WN: evaluation17:28
Fuzzy equivalency (interlingual quasi-synonymy)18:48
OMBI (Maks 2007)20:18
Translation Equivalence (Adamska-Sałaciak 2010)21:23
Rudnicka et al. 2017 and implications21:48
Sense granularity23:30
WordNet sense clustering: Translation similarity24:52
Basque Lexical Resources / A model for BDD26:15
Basque Lexical Resources28:06
Basque Dictionary Draft: (1) Homograph Level28:24
(1) Homograph, (2) Syntactical Entity28:26
(1) Homograph, (2) Syntactical Entity, (3) Sense28:51
Drafted Basque dictionary content29:20
Dictionary Draft SE Gap Detection: semi-automatic29:47
Dictionary Draft Sense Gap Detection: Manual work!30:24
Manual postediting of WordNet-based dictionary drafts30:55
Application example: WordNet/BabelNet bootstrapping for EUS-SLO31:40
Basque Lexical Resources today32:21
Scenario: Basque Lexical Resources32:57
Data modeling - 133:24
Data modeling - 234:29
Treatment of Homonymy34:31
Workflow proposal for Basque35:59
Summary: Some open questions37:42