The Ljubljana Algorithms and Data Structures Summer School 2014 introduces attendees to the latest developments in algorithms and data structures. The topics includes advanced topics in data structures, suffix trees and arrays, Burrows-Wheeler, implementation issues in construction and queries, and online strategies with applications to search and exploration.
The operation is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The operation is performed under the Operational Programme for Human Resource Development for the period 2007-2013, priority axis 3: "Development of Human Resource and Lifelong Learning" policy orientation 3.3 "Quality, Competitiveness and Responsiveness of Higher Education." The international workshop will take place in the context of the implementation of the project »Internationalization of the University of Ljubljana«.
For more information visit the LADS 2014 website.

Succinct Data Structures
Oct 3, 2014

Online strategies with applications to search and exploration
Oct 3, 2014