In 2009, three international conferences / workshops on learning from logical, relational, graph-based and probabilistic knowledge were co-located in Leuven.
- ILP-2009, the 19th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming. The ILP conference series has been the premier forum for work on logic-based approaches to learning for almost two decades. It has recently reached out to other forms of relational learning and to probabilistic approaches.
- MLG-2009, the 7th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs. The MLG workshop series focuses on graph-based approaches to machine learning and data mining since its conception in 2003. *SRL-2009, the International Workshop on Statistical Relational Learning. The SRL workshop series focuses on statistical inference and learning with relational and first-order logical representations. The combination of probability theory with relational (or first-order logic) knowledge representations has been the subject of much recent research.
While the three series clearly have their own identity, there is a significant overlap in the topics covered by each of them. The aim of this colocation was to increase interaction between the three communities. The format of the joint event stimulated such interaction by providing joint invited speakers and tutorials, joint sessions and poster sessions, as well as ample time and space for discussions in smaller groups, in addition to the regular programs of the three events.
Video recordings of the joint invited speakers and tutorials as well as on a panel are available through Videolectures. Furthermore, abstracts presented in Leuven can be found at http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dtai/ilp-mlg-srl/, a post-proceedings volume for ILP 2009 will appear with Springer LNCS and a joint special issue of the Machine Learning Journal will be published.
More about the workshop can be found at: http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dtai/ilp-mlg-srl/index.php
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Uploaded videos:
Invited Speakers
Scalable Link Mining and Analysis on Information Networks
Sep 18, 2009
Bottom-Up Search and Transfer Learning in SRL
Sep 18, 2009
Large Networks, Clusters and Kronecker Products
Sep 18, 2009
A Tutorial on Logic-Based Approaches to SRL
Sep 18, 2009
First-Order Models for Sequential Decision-Making
Sep 18, 2009
Weighted Deductionas an Abstraction Level for AI
Sep 18, 2009
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Sep 18, 2009