IS multiconference consists of several stand-alone independent conferences. The Information Society multiconference deals with information technologies, which are of major importance for the development of Europe and Slovenia as a part of it. The United States are ahead of the Old Continent in this field (Some indicators: market share 4:3, business on the internet 2:1, other spheres even range from 3:1 to 6:1). Europe and Slovenia need to catch up and progress into information societies. Stated reasons require that we host a scientific meeting in the form of a multiconference, which will consist of several conferences with specific themes essential for the development of the information society. Each conference has: * an independent programme committee assigned * one or more foreign lecturers taking part * paper review and publishing The contents of the papers, that will form the conference core, are to be interesting and thematically oriented. They should stimulate the society development and incorporate recent developments. Submitted papers should not be too technical in nature. Calls for papers concerning individual conferences are being sent out by mail. They are also announced in the left column of this web site. Similar, mostly government sponsored conferences, are being held across Europe. Simultaneously expert and political documents are created which form further development guidelines. The attendance and cooperation of foreign associates and host country experts provides the possibilities to raise the knowledge base of the Slovene society, which leads to future development prospects.
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May 09, 2007
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May 09, 2007
Overview of Environmental applications of Machine Learning
May 09, 2007