ACTIVE is an European Union funded Integrated Project running from 2008 to 2011.
ACTIVE aims to increase the productivity of knowledge workers in a pro-active, contextualised, yet easy and unobtrusive way. The aim is to convert tacit and unshared knowledge – the "hidden intelligence" of enterprises – into transferable, interoperable and actionable knowledge to support seamless collaboration and to enable problem solving. A key aspect will be support for informal procedural knowledge - the informal collaboration and problem-solving tasks that drive much knowledge work in the enterprise.
ACTIVE will integrate concepts, methods and tools from the fields of:
Social Software and Web 2.0,
Semantic Technologies,
Context Mining, Context Modelling, and Context Sensitive Task Management, and
Knowledge Process Mining, Knowledge Process Modelling and Pro-Active Knowledge Process Support into highly innovative application systems.
The development will be accompanied by an analysis of key economic and organizational factors and incentive mechanisms, and strongly user-centric system development and evaluation.
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Uploaded videos:
Formal and Informal knowledge representation
Apr 03, 2008
Introduction to Network Analysis
Apr 03, 2008
Costs, benefits and incentives (of semantic techologies)
Apr 03, 2008